Venture & Capital 2022 startup event & SGS – SGS JSC

SGS Content Creator & Social Media Coordinator

July 15, 2022

Last Friday, our founder and CEO, Markus Borlinghaus, and the Investment Relations Manager, Marko Dubroja, attended the Venture & Capital startup event in London, UK, hosted by our partner, Wholesale Investor.

The venue was the newly renovated Royal College of Surgeons Building across the Lincoln’s Inn Fields park.

The event gathered innovative companies with over 150 investors, advisors, and partners from the UK. Companies presented their investment cases in 8 min pitches, followed by several panel discussions (15 VC mentors) on current market trends. In addition, investors had the opportunity to ask CEOs questions directly and network throughout the day.

SGS was one of the presenting 28 companies at the event, which yielded multiple long-term investment connections and partnerships.

We are looking forward to the next one.



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