Image – SGS JSC

Investment Announcement

We are proud to announce that Scalable Global Solutions has a new investor on board: Mrs. Marijana Babić acquired a stake in the company earlier this year.

Marijana Babić is a corporate Attorney-at-Law with fifteen years of work experience. With a Master’s in International Business Law from Hamburg, she has worked on various local and international corporate projects. She has been representing Scalable Global Solutions JSC since 2020 and is passionate about new technologies and innovations.

We are happy to have her on the team.



Stay in touch on our social media:

How do we create your next department?

Scalable Global Solutions focuses on driving and creating a real, positive change on our clients’ impact in their market. We achieve this through our unique service – Department as a Solution (DaaS).


DaaS enables companies to create and build their remote teams and departments, in our offices, in Croatia.


Our game-changing solution is that our clients:

  • Get access to a worldwide talent pool.
  • Handpick who they want to hire.
  • Do not need to create a subsidiary to commence operations and hire employees.
  • Can easily manage their new team and department with our SGS ONE software.


DaaS presents the future of employment to SMBs and SMEs in Europe that have issues such as:

  • Driving efficiency: cost optimization, value chain improvement, and increasing global competition.
  • Talent issues: finding and keeping skilled employees is a crucial challenge for nearly 50% of businesses in 2022. Having a highly-skilled employee base is vital for innovation and further growth.
  • There are no business optimization tools in place: this manifests in not using state-of-the-art processes.


DaaS is an industry agnostic solution covering eight core corporate segments.​ Click on each solution to find out more.


The client retains 100% control over their team and their day-to-day activities.
By having a remote-based and employed team in Croatia, the client ends up with a 50% more affordable team than in, e.g. Central, Northern or Western Europe.


How does DaaS work?


1. Client Requirements Plan

  • Candidate specifications
  • Number of employees
  • Level of expertise
  • Language skills
  • Additional skills

2. SGS Recruitment Process

  • Global search for local placement
  • Recruitment network in the CEE region and globally
  • Filter candidates that match the job description

3. Client Selection

  • Interview
  • Evaluate
  • Decide

4. SGS Integration

  • Employing the candidates
  • Payroll and local law compliance
  • Dedicate office space and equipment
  • Whole department = one monthly invoice

5. Client Integration

  • New hires integrated as clients’ employees
  • New team is ready and set to work
  • Exclusively managed by the client

SGS, as the Employer of Record, empowers companies to commence operations in Croatia quickly and compliantly, without the costs and time restraints associated with establishing a new local entity/subsidiary.


Want to learn more about DaaS?

Please get in touch with us at [email protected].



Emergence 2022 London –Wrap up

We are proud to have participated at our first business conference in London, where we gave an excellent presentation and made an even better impression.

The Emergence conference, hosted by Wholesale Investor throughout the day, had approx. Four hundred attendees: various family office representatives, HNW individuals, consultants, advisors, and potential clients and business partners. Mr. Steve Torsoof the Wholesale Investor network gave the opening speech, followed by a series of 8-min presentations from each exhibiting company, including SGS. The venue was at the Chartered Accountants’ Hall at One Moorgate Place, located in the very town centre of London. Our booth was situated at the hall entrance, which proved to be an excellent thing as all people leaving the hall had to pass by us.

We have met many interesting people, industry experts, potential investors, clients and business partners with whom we are looking forward to doing business. The Emergence conference was a success on multiple fronts, and the SGS team is looking forward to the following discussions.




Erleben Sie uns live auf der Londoner Emergence-Konferenz


Scalable Global Solutions ist stolz darauf bekanntzugeben , dass wir eines der vorgestellten Unternehmen auf der exklusiven Emergence 2022 Conference Emergence 2022 Conference in London sein werden!


Im Rahmen unserer Teilnahme haben wir uns 20 kostenlose Online-Tickets gesichert! Wir laden Sie ein, sich uns anzuschließen . Das diesjährige Thema lautet “The Era of Exponential Innovation”.


Wenn Sie uns auf der Emergence-Konferenz live erleben möchten, senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an [email protected], um Ihr kostenloses Ticket zu erhalten.


Wholesale Investor wird die Emergence 2022 London am 28. März zum ersten Mal seit zwei Jahren wieder live und persönlich veranstalten!


Die Veranstaltung umfasst einen ganzen Tag, an dem sich mehr als 10 Referenten, darunter VC-Vertreter der führenden britischen Investmentunternehmen sowie Fachexperten eingehend mit allen aufkommenden Technologien befassen werden. Sie werden unsere Investorenschulung leiten, mit dem Ziel, Investoren beim Aufbau einer starken These zu unterstützen.


Zu den Hauptrednern und Diskussionsteilnehmern gehören Nolan Gray, Mona Tiesler ( Tokentus Investment AG), Francesco Perticarari (Silicon Roundabout Ventures), Kevin Monserrat (Consilience Ventures), Priya Guliani (Government Blockchain Association) und viele mehr.


Wir sehen uns dort!


See us live at the London Emergence conference


Scalable Global Solutions is proud to announce that we will be one of the featured companies at the exclusive Emergence 2022 Conference, live in London!


As part of participating, we have secured 20 complimentary online tickets! We invite you to join us at the event. This year’s theme is focused on “The Era of Exponential Innovation”.


Claim your complimentary ticket here:


Wholesale Investor will be hosting Emergence 2022 London live and in-person on the 28th of March for the first time in two years!


The event is a whole day filled with 10+ speakers, including VC reps from the UK’s leading investment firms and subject matter experts providing deep dives across all emerging technologies. They’ll be leading our investor education with the aim of helping investors build a strong thesis.


Keynote speakers and panellists include Nolan Gray, Mona Tiesler (tokentus investment AG), Francesco Perticarari (Silicon Roundabout Ventures), Kevin Monserrat (Consilience Ventures), Priya Guliani (Government Blockchain Association), and many more.


See you there!


SGS goes German

Finally, our German website went live today. As stated in our last announcement, this is done to support our clients, partners, business and initiatives in the D/A/CH region.

Endlich, ist unsere deutsche Website heute live gegangen. Wie in der letzten Ankündigung dargestellt, dient dieser wichtige Schritt um unsere Kunden, Partner und Geschäftsinitiativen in der D/A/CH Region zu unterstützen.

We are going Multilingual!

SGS freut sich bekannt zu geben, das wir am 14.01.2014 unsere Webseite in deutscher Sprache starten. Wir unterstützen damit unsere geschäftlichen Aktivitäten für unsere Kunden und Partner in der deutschsprachigen D/A/CH Region. Wir bedanken uns für das erhaltene Feedback und das Vertrauen unserer Kunden in SGS. Wir wünschen Ihnen allen ein frohes neues Jahr.

SGS is pleased to announce that from 14.01.2022, our website will be available in the German language. We do this to support our business, clients, and partners in the German-speaking D/A/CH region as we keep our growing demand for our DaaS Solution in the area. We appreciate any feedback and value our client’s business. We wish you all a happy New Year.




Investment Announcement

We are proud to announce Mrs. Jannetje van Leeuwen as latest shareholder.

Jannetje has made an investment in Scalable Global Solutions in January 2021 and has been appointed to the Supervisory Board of the company.

She has co-founded and managed four start-up business ventures in Hospitality, Print, Entertainment, and Consumer Goods sectors. Jan speaks four languages, which has helped her accumulate international experience, transacting business across the UK, Europe, and the US.

Her experience and contacts are helping us provide a world-class solution to clients that wish to transform their business.

You can find more information on her LinkedIn profile.




Wir sind stolz darauf, Frau Jannetje van Leeuwen als neue Aktionärin bekannt zu geben.

Jannetje hat im Januar 2021 in Scalable Global Solutions investiert und wurde in den Aufsichtsrat des Unternehmens berufen.

Sie hat vier Start-up-Unternehmen in den Bereichen Gastgewerbe, Druck, Unterhaltung und Konsumgüter mitbegründet und geleitet. Jannetje spricht vier Sprachen, was ihr geholfen hat, internationale Erfahrung zu sammeln und Geschäfte in Großbritannien, Europa und den USA zu tätigen.

Ihre Erfahrung und Kontakte helfen uns dabei, Kunden, die ihr Geschäft transformieren möchten, eine erstklassige Lösung anzubieten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf ihrem LinkedIn-Profil.



Investment Announcement

We are proud to announce that Martin F. Herrmann has acquired a stake in Scalable Global Solutions.

Martin, a German national living in the Czech Republic, has spent many years in leading managerial positions in the energy industry.

As a business angel, he is now helping founders in living their dream of building great companies.

You can find more information on his LinkedIn profile.




Wir sind stolz bekannt zu geben, dass Martin F. Herrmann eine Beteiligung an Scalable Global Solutions erworben hat.

Martin ist ein Deutscher, der in Tschechien lebt und er war viele Jahre in führenden Führungspositionen in der Energiewirtschaft tätig.

Als Business Angel hilft er nun Gründern dabei, ihren Traum vom Aufbau großartiger Unternehmen zu leben.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf seinem LinkedIn-Profil.